How To Improve Your Building’s Energy Efficiency

As a business owner, you recognize the importance of minding your power consumption. Discover how to improve your building’s energy efficiency.
As a business owner, you recognize the importance of minding your power consumption. Discover how to improve your building’s energy efficiency.
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Small changes in your daily operations can lead to a significant reduction in your energy consumption and the amount of money you pay for heating, cooling, and other operational costs. As a business owner, you should know how to improve your building’s energy efficiency so you can maintain high levels of productivity without harming the environment.

Improve Your Insulation

If your power bill is out of sight month after month, it’s important to consider the effectiveness of your building’s insulation. Heating and cooling your workspaces are major aspects of your power consumption, and insulation plays an important role in both functions.

You can significantly reduce your electricity usage year-round by improving the insulation in your walls, ceilings, and window and door frames. With proper insulation, your building’s heating and cooling systems won’t need to work so hard to maintain a comfortable temperature. In addition to a lower power bill and reduced energy consumption, your employees will appreciate working in a more climate-controlled space.

Protect Your Building’s Exterior

Another way to improve your building’s energy efficiency is through exterior solar control. If your building is made from metal, glass, or other cladding, you can control the sun’s effects with metal fabric panels. The metal panels are simply installed on the exterior walls of your building to shield it against unrelenting UV rays.

By installing metal mesh panels on the outside of your structure, you can provide protection from direct sunlight and heat from the sun. The metal mesh allows solar heat to enter the building in winter and screens it from solar radiation in summer. Like high-quality insulation, metal fabrics create a comfortable environment for employees and boost your building’s energy efficiency.

Purchase Energy-Efficient Equipment

As a business owner, you know you need a lot of power to successfully perform your daily operations. When computers, phones, servers, and manufacturing equipment are running all day, it’s easy to rack up your electricity use. Thus, using energy-efficient office equipment is key to reducing your overall consumption.

Luckily, upgrading to energy-efficient equipment will have an immediate impact, giving you a reason to smile when your electricity bill comes in. To find even more ways to reduce the amount of electricity you use, walk around your building and think about ways to upgrade appliances and equipment you don’t use daily.

Install Efficient Lightbulbs

Properly illuminating a building requires a lot of energy, so it’s important to consider the types of lightbulbs you use. Fortunately, you don’t need to work in a darkened room to reduce your energy consumption. LED bulbs use a fraction of the energy traditional bulbs use, so they’re a great way to light your building for less. Keep in mind these types of bulbs can be used both inside and outside, so don’t forget to upgrade all fixtures around your building.

These small adjustments can lead to big improvements when it comes to your building’s power consumption. By improving your energy efficiency, you can protect the environment, save money, and pave the way for continued professional success.